Take control of your data and your research with an introduction to Python. As a new member of The Carpentries, a non-profit organisation of volunteers who teach foundational coding and data sciences to researchers worldwide, King's College London is aiming to empower our staff and postgraduate students to feel more confident working with data, software, and analysis. Python is one of the main tools used at King’s Digital Lab and throughout research, due to its straightforward syntax, its power and its versatility. 

Python is often used to introduce key concepts in programming such as performing looping operations and evaluating conditions. A grounding in Python is the perfect first step into understanding how digital approaches can enrich your research. Attendees can use any computer they are comfortable with (Windows, Apple, Linux) and will be shown how to navigate their computers using the command line interface, introducing techniques that will speed up workflow, reduce repetition and reduce the risks of user error.

A Software Carpentry Introduction to Python workshop, aimed at postgraduates and staff in the Faculties of Arts & Humanities and Social Science & Public Policy at KCL, will take place on Thursday 9 – Friday 10 January 2020 at Strand Campus.

Suitable for complete beginners, this two-day workshop, delivered on behalf of King's eResearch by King's Digital Lab and Health Sciences Doctoral Training Centre and taught by qualified Carpentries instructors, will provide an introduction to the the Unix shell, to working with data using OpenRefine, to data analysis and visualisation with Python programming language.

Participants will be encouraged to help each other and apply the skills learned to datasets from their research area. For the full programme of the workshop please visit the workshop's webpage maintained by the instructors. In addition, you may want to consult the Carpentries' website for the Unix Shell, Introduction to Working with Data, Open Refine and Introduction to Python I and Python II lesson curricula.

The deadline for applications is 10 December 2019.

A booking fee of £35 to cover catering costs will apply.

To apply for a place, please visit the event's eStore page.