King’s Digital Lab seeks to be at the forefront of research in the digital humanities and social sciences. We work closely with our project partners to build digital products that can enable research and increase impact.

Although we have a strong team with extensive expertise in the digital research, we see every project as an opportunity to deepen our collective understanding and explore new ways to create and use digital tools and methods. We aim not only to build excellent individual projects but also to contribute to the wider sphere of digital humanities and social sciences research.

Transparency is central to KDL’s philosophy. We believe it is vital that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of what a project will involve, in the interests of intellectual rigour and the development of credible funding applications. It is fundamentally important that all our partners have a clear understanding of what the technical aspects of their project will entail, including exactly what KDL will produce, and what costs are involved. We provide clear product quotes and statements of work, outlining the steps to be taken, including what’s in and out of scope and, where appropriate, different options that might be included depending on requirements, time available, and funding. We clearly itemise the costs involved in each option so our partners know exactly what is included in the plan for their project.

As the digital humanities and social sciences mature, it is essential that the high-quality, innovative research being produced is placed on a robust, sustainable footing. When we scope a project we look beyond the actual build phase, using tools such as multi-year Service Level Agreements (SLA) to implement a detailed plan for supporting the project into the future. As individual SLAs come to an end, we work closely with our partners to determine the suitable next steps. Our planning takes into account the both the project’s approach to its research questions and the changing technical landscape, such as the need for security updates, to ensure that we have the resources available to provide suitable support.

At KDL, we are looking to create excellent digital work that stands the test of time. Our close work with our partners and focus on transparency and sustainability allows us to build robust digital projects, contributing both to the specific research at hand and to the wider digital community.

Learn more about our development process